

Imagine with me for a moment—don’t worry, I’m not saying it’s real. Imagine, if you can, that there has been
not a calamity, but a great awakening.P
retend, just for a moment,
that we all so loved our threatened earth 
that we stopped going on cruises,
limited international flights,
worked on cherishing the places
where we already are.<br>In this pretty fantasy, everyone who possibly can
stops commuting. Spends the extra time
with their kids or pets or garden.
We have the revelation that everyone
needs health care, sick leave, steady work.
It occurs to us that health care workers
are heroes. Also teachers. 
Not to mention the artists of all kinds
who teach us resilience and joy. Imagine, if you will,
that we turned to our neighbors
in mutual aid, trading eggs for milk,
checking in on those who are elderly
or alone. Imagine each of us
felt suddenly called to wonder
In this moment, what does the world
need from me? What are my gifts?
Yes, I know it’s just a fantasy.
The world could never change
so radically overnight.
But imagine.

Lynn Ungar   3-20-20